2 June 2013
Went to Kg. Pandan to the mosque in front of her house to perform the Asar prayer and tennis afterwards. I wanted to approach the dad there 'cause it was the easiest way to meet him. I set up the meeting. Met him (more like SURPRISED HIM) and viola~ Done and done. I remember very well that I told her "it won't take long before mama wants to meet me. Trust me it'll be sooner than Raya."
4 Weeks Later - 30 June 2013
Had a three-day workshop with YAWA, DBKL and school teachers. Was very enlightening and I learned a ton of stuff. Unnecessary to post here. Moving on.
Lunch was uneventful but there were leftovers that were guaranteed to be dumped and wasted. Seha (my girlfriend) took the opportunity to invite her parents and siblings to finish the leftovers. I was shocked (and nervous) to hear that the mum was there with them. Oh, the butterflies.
Skipping uneventful stuffs...
So we greeted all of them (my colleague Anne was with me that time - THANK GOD) and I began chatting away. The way my girlfriend describe her mum is so unlike what she was that time. Perhaps this is how she reacts to outsiders, I guess? All I know was I wasn't the type who likes to beat around the bush so I talked and questioned everything I needed to know about her, the family and her phD thesis (I opened the conversation with this because it has been bugging me for 2 weeks). An hour earlier I couldn't control my nerves; constantly asking what should I talk about and how to control my nerves. Knowing me I'm the type of person who do not get stage frights, I was able to turn the table around. I was the one who couldn't stop talking, making jokes and teasing the whole lot as if we're friends. The only time my pie-hole was shut was when they were conversing in Kelantanese.
I am very comfortable speaking my mind out to people who deserve to listen. And her mum falls into that category. The mum is a major in psychology. Something I love. Yes, I work in a sustainable environment institute but my passion has always been psychology and human behaviour - SORRY LESTARI. I had no problem arguing back and forth with her especially on how she deals with her kids. I especially loved the part where we argued about her decision to send her sons to private schools. We talked about my family and to much surprised, she was mostly positive about me. When it comes to serious talk about human behaviour, I know I am very convincing. Prove me wrong, I dare you. After one hour, the mum offered to follow them to perform our pilgrimage next year which made my heart jumped (if it could, I would have probably barfed it out). I was beyond happy when she offered. Funny thing was a few weeks back I joked to Seha that their family would want me to join them for Umrah - and look what just happened. Haha.
After they left, Seha texted me saying that the topic in the car (and at home) was about me. Give me a reason to be unhappy about this 'cause I can't find one.