Friday, December 23, 2011

DailyNic #3

Ladies and gentlemen, I'm MeisterNic otherwise known as Nicolai Sidek and it's time for another #DailyNic #3! How awesome is that? Well today's DailyNic has a sad twist in it. Daily #1 and #2 were about my OCD and this wacky exam ritual I have but today is all about Christmas spirit :D Christmas (X'mas)is all about family bonding and bringing people closer. Doesn't matter if you don't get a lot of presents (really it doesn't) so long as the meaning of "we're together now" is there. Personally, I treat X'mas as my primary festival (is it a festival...dunno...I'm kinda down right now so I'm not thinking straight) even though I'm a Muslim. I honestly don't care what others say about it. The reason I bring this up is 'cuz in 2 days, the world will be celebrating X'mas. ME, I'M STUCK AT MY APARTMENT a few hundred miles across the ocean from home. This is the first time in my life I won't be celebrating with my family and it sickens me to death. I received a mini X'mas tree about 30 minutes ago and I immediately sang Jingle Bells. That's when reality hit me. I won't be celebrating it the usual way this year. Then I wept. Hard. Honest-to-God. It's not easy dealing with the thought of celebrating my favourite time of the year by myself, far away from home. I miss setting up the X'mas tree at my grandmas and putting presents under it. What more can I say? I'm a sucker when it comes to X'mas. I don't think there's another moment where I'll feel happy giving than receiving. It sort of works the other way round, isn't it? People would rather receive than to give. But not X'mas. It doesn't to that to people. So, for those of you celebrating X'mas with your families this year, I would just want you to take a minute to appreciate how special that moment is. Once they're gone, the void it leaves in your heart is just unbearable. Thanks for reading, people. See you in the next Daily. MeisterNic

The DailyNic

Brief introduction on what the DailyNic's about. In simple words, the Daily is an 'everyday' post about myself, be it OCD, silly but necessary rituals, fun facts or just simple ordinary things. I've posted DailyNic numbers 1 and 2 on my Twitter page so feel free to browse 'em. Here's the link to my Twitter page: Add me on Facebook: